#2024-035359/South Precinct/Third Watch:
At 0023 hours, officers responded to a report of a shooting at Beacon Av S/S Thistle St. Officers arrived and located a black Dodge with bullet damage. Investigation let officers to the scene at M L King Jr Wy S/S Cloverdale St. While on scene second call came out of a shooting at M L King Jr Wy S/S Norfolk St. Officers arrived and found a black Toyota with bullet damage. Officers were able to learn that both calls were in fact the same call. The suspect vehicle, the Toyota and Dodge were all stopped at the lights at MLK/S Cloverdale St when an unknown suspect brandished a weapon from the front passenger door and fired multiple rounds. One round struck the Toyota, and all the other rounds struck the Dodge. No injuries.
#2024-035420/North Precinct/Third Watch:
At about 0202 hours, a call came in to 911 from a 3rd party who had just witnessed an armed robbery of a female where one shot was fired. Officers arrived on scene and were unable to locate the reported victim. A single shell casing was found on Aurora Av N just north of N 90 St. No property damage was found.