#2024-047984/North Precinct/First Watch:
At 0502 hours, Officers responded to what was initially reported as a shots fired call in the 12500 block of 26th Ave NE to find SFD members actively fighting a vehicle fire. The Seattle Fire Department Marshall responded to the scene and determined the fire was most likely intentionally set. ABS was notified of the incident.
#2024-048006/East Precinct/First Watch:
At 0602 hours, an adult male and female were shoplifted items out of grocery store. As they were walking out with a basket full of unpaid for items ($200), the manager tried to grab the basket. The male suspect pulled it away and produced a taser/knife type of weapon and told the manager that if he didn’t back off, he would get assaulted. The manager backed away and the two suspects drove away in a white chevy pickup truck with rubbish in the back. The manager said these two suspects are frequent shoplifters and provided evidence.
#2024-048603/East Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1713 hours, officers responded to a call in the 300 block of 17th Ave South for a weapon call. The suspect’s description was given, and officers located the suspect. Officers detained three subjects and located the rifle without incident. The suspect was arrested.
#2024-048660/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1810 hours, customer called on behalf of loss prevention officer who was in a physical fight with a suspect. The second suspect intervened to assist his accomplice, and both fled on foot with stolen money and merchandise. Police checked area for suspects but resulted negative.