On October 27th at 1:30 p.m. the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) presented Seattle Police Officer Britt Sweeney the 2010 Medal of Valor for her actions on October 31, 2009.
The Medal of Valor is one of the awards presented by the IAWP at their international training conference. The award was presented today at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center in Burien.
Nominations for awards are made by the IAWP Region Coordinators and award recipients are selected by a committee of IAWP Board of Directors members.
The criteria for the Medal of Valor is “to be awarded to any officer who distinguishes herself by an act of bravery or heroism, at risk of her own personal safety or in the face of great danger, above and beyond the call of duty. The Medal of Valor may be awarded to as many nominated officers as qualify.”
We would like to thank the IAWP for passing on this information to us.