#2024-066515/North Precinct/First Watch:
At 0430 hours units responded to a robbery that occurred near Woodlawn AVE NE and 4th AVE NE. The victim was walking his dog when he was approached by three suspects, one armed with a knife. The suspects demanded money and the victim’s car keys. The victim was forced to lay down and the suspects went through his pockets. The suspects fled in a vehicle with the victim’s wallet. An area check was completed but the vehicle was not located.
#2024-066568/Southwest Precinct/First Watch:
At 0648 hours officers were dispatched to a burglary in progress in the 3600 blk of 48th Ave SW. The suspect broke a large window at the front of the home and crawled through the broken glass. The homeowners confronted the suspect who began fighting with the man and woman. At some point, one of the homeowners struck the suspect allowing them to take him to the ground. Officers took the suspect into custody without having to use any force. The suspect was taken to Harborview Medical Center via AMR for treatment before being booked into KCJ.
#2024-066869/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1450 hours SPD dispatch was notified that an unreported Bellevue PD stolen truck had been tracked into the city. The contracted mover who was following the vehicle was told to stop by dispatch. The truck was tracked to a public storage facility in the North Seattle. Patrol units responded and contacted the driver of the truck. Male and female suspects were taken into custody at the scene. The male suspect claimed to have just swallowed drugs. He was transported to the hospital with a guard. GIU was called and detectives responded to assist at the scene and precinct. The truck was reported stolen to Bellevue PD while the investigation was ongoing. The male remains at NW Hospital under guard. The female was I&R’d from the scene. The truck was returned to the contracted driver to continue his delivery.