On December 9th, at 5:24 A.M., a witness reported seeing a man in a parking lot, “checking out” parked cars, across the street from 6th and Lenora Street. The suspect eventually broke a window on a truck in the parking lot. He reached inside and opened the door. The witness could not see if the suspect removed any items from the truck.
Minutes later, the suspect returned to his truck which was parked nearby, and drove off as officers were arriving in the area. The suspect eventually stopped in a parking lot near 7th and Lenora Street. The suspect and a female occupant, not initially following officers commands to exit the truck, were removed and placed under arrest. The female passenger was booked into King County Jail for an outstanding Seattle Municipal Warrant for Theft.
While seated in the back seat of the patrol vehicle, the male suspect kicked out the right rear window. This caused a significant amount of damage, which resulted in the patrol vehicle being taken out of service.
This suspect was processed and booked into King County Jail.