On August 14th at about 8:20 p.m., a citizen ,who didn’t speak English well, called 911 stating there was an Asian male carrying a knife at Rainier Ave South and South Henderson. Multiple officers responded to the area but were unable to locate the suspect. A short time later, another citizen called 911 stating there had been a stabbing at Rainier Ave South and South Rose. Officers responded to the area and found a male stabbed in the back at the bus stop. The victim was very uncooperative and was subsequently taken to Harborview Medical Center with non life-threatening injuries. Officers questioned the victim further at HMC and he stated that two Asian male teens approached him and asked him for money. When he refused, they stabbed him with a pair of scissors in the back. The suspects left in an unknown direction.
Stabbing in South Seattle
by August 15, 2009 7:20 am