On September 6th at approximately 9:43 p.m. numerous victims in and around the 4500 block of University Way NE called 911 reporting that they were either assaulted, threatened with a gun, or were robbed at gunpoint. The group of male suspects in all of the incidents were described the same.
At least two victims were robbed. One victim had his cell phone taken. Another victim was leaving a cash machine and prior to putting their money away, one suspect grabbed for their money, but the victim was able to retain it. Two victims had guns pushed into their side in some sort of intimidation and at least two other victims were punched repeatedly unprovoked.
Officers responded to the area and located possible suspects in the 4700 block of 12th Avenue NE. The suspects were positively identified by all of the victims present.
Two BB pistols were located in the bushes on the southeast corner where the suspects walked by just prior to being detained by officers. The suspects were all transported to the North Precinct for further investigation.
The suspect identified as holding the gun was the same one that attempted the robbery from the cash machine. One suspect was booked into the King County Jail for Assault and one suspect was booked for outstanding warrants. Two of the subjects who were not identified as taking part in the crimes were investigated and released. This remains an active and on-going investigation.