On 03-18-10, at approximately 3:32 a.m., the victim called 911 to report that a burglary suspect had just entered his business in the 400 block of Dexter av N and attempted to take the cash register.
Unbeknownst to the suspect, the victim is currently a self defense instructor. The victim saw the suspect and made a grab for him before the suspect could escape with the cash register.
The suspect dropped the cash register and briefly struggled with victim before running away. The suspect left behind his bicycle and cell phone.
Officers responded and set up containment for a K-9 track. The track was unsuccessful and containment was released.
At approximately 4:49 a.m., an officer located the suspect at 4 Av W/W McGraw Street. The suspect was postively identified by the victim.
The suspect was booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Burglary.