The Seattle Police Department would like to remind the people of Seattle and its motorists that any form of aggressive driving will not be tolerated. Traffic laws will be enforced with a zero-tolerance to anyone who willfully disregards the safety of others and places drivers, passengers and pedestrians in harm’s way.
The Department’s Aggressive Drivers Response Team of traffic officers are extensively trained and equipped with digital video cameras to identify, cite or arrest aggressive drivers, in addition to all police officers who have the duty and responsibility of enforcing traffic laws.
Every year, innocent drivers and pedestrians are hurt or killed in tragic and preventable motor vehicle collisions due to aggressive driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that about one-third of all crashes and about two-thirds of those crashes resulting in fatalities can be attributed to aggressive driving such as excessive speed, frequent or unsafe lane changes, tailgating, disregarding traffic control devices, cutting off other drivers, obscene hand gestures as well as making threats or yelling profanities.
Please drive safely and obey all traffic laws.