The Seattle Police Department would like to offer the following correction to yesterday’s statement.
The off-duty officer successfully retrieved the two jackets from the woman who took them.
This is evident in the first paragraph of the third page of the police report, “…..states the female began arguing with him about the ownership of the jackets but he was able to regain possession of them from the female.”
Additional points that the Seattle Police Department would like to reinforce include:
1. The off-duty officer was a crime victim.
2. The off-duty officer is under investigation for making physical contact with a handcuffed prisoner.
3. The internal investigation is separate from the initial incident in which the off-duty officer was attacked.
4. The investigating officers immediately reported the off-duty officer’s conduct to their supervisor. The internally-initiated complaint was launched the following day.
5. The OPA has referred the matter for internal criminal investigation. The officer in question remains administratively reassigned.