The Seattle Police Department is investigating two reported cases involving an armed robbery suspect who is representing himself as a plain-clothes police officer. In one of the cases, he actually stole the victim’s car.
The suspect pictured has been positively identified as Michael James BEACH, 27-years-old. He is approximately 5’10” tall and 190 pounds.
He may be driving a stolen light blue 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190 4-door sedan bearing Washington license plates. This vehicle was stolen in a recent armed car-jacking.
Beach is believed to be armed with a handgun and is considered ARMED and DANGEROUS.
There is probable cause to arrest suspect Beach for armed robbery. Additionally, there is an active nationwide arrest warrant in the system for suspect Beach.
Anyone with information about this suspect or who may know his whereabouts is asked to call 911 immediately or the Seattle Police Robbery Unit at (206) 684-5535.
If you see this suspect, do not approach him. Call 911 immediately and keep a safe distance.