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New Captains promoted

There are two new Captains recently promoted within the Seattle Police Department.  Congratulations to Captains O’Donnell and Koutsky!


Captain James Koutsky

Captain James Koutsky

Captain James Koutsky began his career with the Seattle Police Department in 1988 after spending the previous four years as an officer with the Kent Police Department.  He worked in the East Precinct as a Patrol officer, Field Training Officer, and Community Police Team officer.  From 1995 to 1998 he worked in the Community Policing Bureau and then was promoted to sergeant in 1998 and assigned to the South Precinct, third watch.  In 2000 he was assigned to Internal Investigations and then to Human Resources in 2002 where he was promoted to Lieutenant in 2003.

In 2004, Captain Koutsky was assigned to the South Precinct as the Operations Lieutenant.  He spent six years in the South Precinct addressing a variety of public safety issues through enforcement strategies and community involvement/partnerships.  Following this assignment, Captain Koutsky was assigned to the Sexual Assault Unit where detectives investigate sexual assaults and child abuse cases.  Following his promotion to captain, he was assigned to oversee the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit.

Captain Koutsky and his artist wife, Jan, live in Seattle, and have two adult children.  He is a graduate of Seattle’s Roosevelt High School and received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Washington.  He is also a graduate of the Senior Management Institute for Policing at Boston University and the West Point Leadership Program.

Captain Sean O’Donnell

Captain Sean O'Donnell

Captain Sean O’Donnell began his career with the Seattle Police Department in 1981.  He has worked in all of the precincts as a police officer and was a Field Training Officer.  In 1986 he transferred to the Seattle Police Traffic Section as a motorcycle officer for six years.  He has been assigned as a Media Relations Officer, Industrial Relations Officer, and as an Academy Instructor, where he received the SPD award for Innovation.  He has also been assigned as a Detective on the Mayor’s Security Detail.  He was promoted to sergeant in 2001.

As a sergeant he worked Patrol in the West and North Precincts.  He also worked in positions as a Sergeant in Communications and as a Detective Sergeant in the Office of Professional Accountability.  When promoted to Lieutenant in 2006 he was assigned as a Watch Commander in the South Precinct.  He was been assigned to successive positions as the East Precinct Operations Lieutenant, a West Precinct Watch Commander, and most recently the West Precinct Operations Lieutenant.  Upon his promotion Captain O’Donnell will be assigned to oversee the Communications Section.

Captain O’Donnell was born in Seattle and raised in the area.  He entered the Army after high school and completed 24 years combined active/reserve military service, before retiring in 2004 after attaining the rank of Command Sergeant Major.  He attended college while working for the SPD and received a Bachelor of Arts degress in Criminal Justice from Central Washington University.  Captain O’Donnell has completed several leadership and Management courses including the IACP, Leadership in Police Organization course.