On 12-19-11, shortly before 9:00 p.m., officers responded to the 4700 block of 50 Ave South to a business to investigate an armed robbery. According to the complainant, three suspects entered the grocery store and demanded the money from the till. One suspect, who was armed with a handgun held the clerk beside the counter while the other two went through the tills, smashing one on the counter. There was one round fired as they left.
It is unknown if it was directed at the clerk as he was kneeling at the time, but the round lodged in the floorboard at the base of the counter. The suspects fled northbound and then eastbound on S. Alaska. A K-9 tracked to that location where a citizen reported seeing several black males leave in a vehicle. The Robbery Unit responded and processed the scene. There was another robbery on Aurora Ave North awhile later with the same suspect descriptions.
The suspects are described as 3 black males, 20’s, 5’7, wearing black jackets and masks, with stocky builds.
Vehicle: Dark colored possibly a Honda.