On March 7th, at approximately 10:00 pm, Southwest Precinct Anti-Crime Team officers along with patrol officers were checking an address in the 4800 Block of 47th Avenue Southwest for a suspect with an outstanding warrant. Officers contacted the homeowner who let the officers know that the suspect was in a downstairs bedroom. Officers went downstairs, only to find a locked door. The suspect’s roommate was located in the garage and opened the locked door with his own key. The 23 year old warrant suspect was located sleeping inside and was arrested without incident. Officers observed guns and drugs inside the room. Officers wrote a search warrant and then arrested the roommate as well for Violation of the Uniform Firearm Act (VUFA) and Violation of the Controlled Substances Act (VUCSA). The roommate, a 49 year old male, is a convicted felon and two of the guns recovered were stolen. Officers recovered a large amount of methamphetamphine and other drugs, as well as a large amount of cash. Both suspects were later booked into the King County Jail for the outstanding warrants and Investigation of VUFA and VUCSA.
Officers locate warrant suspect, guns and drugs and cash in West Seattle
by March 8, 2012 8:53 am