A man was arrested after he rushed officers and hurled a large bottle at them. This morning at approximately 9:00 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 900 block of Queen Anne Av N to investigate a man who was breaking his apartment windows and throwing items out the window.
Officers arrived and observed a window to the apartment broken out. The officers attempted to communicate with the man through the broken window. He was sitting at his living room table when the officers started to communicate with him, but then he started cursing and picked up a full size liquor bottle, held it above his head while charging towards the officers, and then threw the bottle at the officers. The bottle narrowly missed striking the officers.
The man told the officers, “I will see to it you m—–uckers are dead” and “I will kill all of you guys”.
The suspect was ultimately tased and taken into custody. The suspect continued to resist. The suspect was transported to HMC for injuries he sustained while breaking his apartment windows. Upon release the 47-year-old man will be booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Assault. No officers were injured.