Here is an update to a robbery call we posted on the Blotter on March 18th:
Later in the day, Second Watch South Precinct officers responded to a suspicious circumstances report of three black males who appeared to be trying car door handles in the area of 26th Avenue South and South Edmunds Street. The responding officers knew of the earlier robbery call, and knew that the suspects were armed. The officers located the three males at 26th Avenue South and South Angeline Street. Because the suspects were reportedly armed with weapons, they were frisked by the officers. Officers recovered a Taser, as well as two very realistic-looking BB guns.
The officers conferred with the First Watch officers that handled the original robbery incident and determined that the three suspects detained were involved in the robbery. A debit card recovered from one of the suspects belonged to the victim. The three suspects, ages 18, 16 and 15, were placed under arrest and later booked into the King County Jail and Youth Services Center, respectively, for Investigation of Robbery. A fourth suspect was identified and detectives arrested the 16-year-old suspect the following day at Cleveland High School. That suspect was also booked into YSC.
This remains an active and on-going investigation.