Chief Diaz is presenting the Report for Quarter 4 – 2012 to City Council this afternoon. In accordance with SPD 20/20 A Vision for the Future – Initiative 17, this report is being distributed publicly as well. Here are some of the highlights:
Good marks on 911 caller surveys – Officers responding to calls scored 4.5 out of 5 for being professional and courteous and 4.3 out of 5 for answering callers’ questions. Overall, the Department scored 4.37 out of 5 for a satisfactory experience during any SPD contact. Is there a cop around when you need one? A rating of 4.07 out of 5 indicates that there is.
Major Crimes are down – Major Crimes (murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, and auto theft) in Seattle in 2012 were at their lowest level in four years. These crimes have decreased 11% since 2009.
Third Avenue Corridor improvements – In December, King County, the City and the Downtown Seattle Association signed a Memorandum of Agreement that calls for improvement along the Third Avenue corridor. Included in the agreement is more visible police presence, foot beats at hotspots, and continued use of non-traditional strategies to address low-level drug offenses. The efforts have paid off; crimes against persons were down 28% in the fourth quarter compared to same time period in 2011. “Quality of life” issues (disturbances, nuisances, trespassing, etc.) were down 21%.
Using technology to keep the public informed – In the last quarter of 2012, SPD launched “Tweets-by-Beat.” This new effort provides residents with prompt information on law enforcement activities occurring in their neighborhoods. It has been hailed as the most ambitious project of its kind in the nation. This is in addition to the main SPD Twitter account which is followed by over 29,000 people.
Read the entire report here: