Burglars—or overachieving students with a criminally insatiable thirst for knowledge—have broken into the Eckstein Middle School library twice in the last week.
The first break-in happened sometime over the weekend and was discovered by a custodian, who arrived at the school Monday morning and found someone had used a rock to smash a window and enter a break room.
Once inside the school, the burglar used a fire extinguisher to shatter several other windows throughout the school, before they broke into the school’s library, forced open a storage locker and stole 13 iPads.
Early this morning, around 3:30 AM, police were again called to the school after someone set off a security alarm inside the building.
Again, police found a broken window at the scene, but didn’t find any burglars inside the school. However, police discovered that, once again, the burglar or burglars had made their way to the school’s library.
It’s not yet clear whether anything was taken in this latest burglary attempt.
If you know anything about these break-ins and have any information that could help detectives throw the book at these library bandits, please call (206) 625-5011 and mention this case.