Detectives from the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad (TCIS) are investigating the circumstances that led up to a collision between a 2011 Subaru Forester and one of our Traffic Unit motorcycle officers earlier this morning.
At approximately 8:50 am, the veteran officer was on his motorcycle travelling westbound on South Lander Street just passing 3rd Avenue South. At the same time, the Subaru was making a U-turn midblock when the collision occurred. The impact knocked the motorcycle over, injuring our officer. A man ran over to our officer and notified dispatch by using the officer’s radio. His quick-thinking, and calm demeanor alerted officers to the situation and sped up emergency response.
Seattle Fire Department responded and treated the officer at the scene. He was transported to Harborview Medical Center for serious, but non life-threatening injuries.
A Drug Recognition Expert officer responded and evaluated the driver of the Subaru, as is routine. There were no indications of any impairment on the part of the driver. The driver is cooperating with investigators. TCIS detectives continue to investigate this collision.