Captain David Proudfoot, a 25-year veteran of the Seattle Police Department, was appointed the new South Precinct commander on Thursday.
“After hearing repeatedly from community members during the selection process of the need for consistent leadership at the South Precinct, I have asked Captain David Proudfoot to lead the precinct,” Chief Kathleen O’Toole said.
“Captain Proudfoot has served at every rank within the South Precinct, and I have every confidence he will provide the leadership and direction necessary to show the residents of the South Precinct I am listening to their concerns,” she said.
Proudfoot’s long career includes patrol stints in the South and East precincts as well as working on the hostage negotiations team and as a patrol squad sergeant and Harbor Unit sergeant. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 2008, working as the South Precinct watch commander and became watch commander in the North Precinct the following year.
He became the communications section operations lieutenant in 2011 through 2013. Since January 2014 he has worked as the Lieutenant in the Education and training Section, assisting in the department’s transition and adherence to the Settlement Agreement
“It is an honor to be named the Precinct Commander of the South Precinct,” Captain Proudfoot said. “It has been my privilege to serve this community and its officers as an Officer, Sergeant and Lieutenant. It is now my privilege to serve these communities as we work to restore their trust, restore SPD Pride and professionalism, while continuing to address crime and quality of life.”