I would like to announce the soon-departure of Chief Operating Officer Mike Wagers and thank him for his tremendous contributions toward making the SPD a national model for urban policing.
I’ve known and worked with Mike since he was a Ph.D. student at Rutgers University. When Mayor Ed Murray announced that I was his selection for police chief, I immediately turned to Mike and asked him to join my transition team. When I offered Mike the job of Chief Operating Officer, he accepted at great personal sacrifice – his young family would stay behind to start a new school year in Northern Virginia.
Mike has worked tirelessly to institutionalize the reforms of the Settlement Agreement. He led the search process for the new SPD leadership team and helped move the department to a more data-driven approach with SeaStat, laying the ground work for and launching the Agile Policing Strategy and Real Time Crime Center. Mike ensured that SPD was at the forefront of the national conversation about body cameras, transparency and privacy – earning a Washington Coalition for Open Government Key Award along the way.
Mike and I have been talking about a succession plan since day one. Brian Maxey, who currently serves as the Senior Legal Counsel for the SPD will become the new Chief Operating Officer. Brian has my complete trust and confidence and will continue the work that Mike has begun. In addition to being a lawyer, Brian holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. He has played a critical role in our on-going reform efforts. Mike and Brian will work closely during this transition.
Rebecca Boatright, Supervising Assistant City Attorney in the Civil Division of the City Attorney’s Office, has agreed to be the new SPD Senior Legal Counsel. Becca has been with the City Attorney’s Office since 2001 and has a Ph.D. and J.D. from University of Washington and a bachelor’s degree from College of Wooster in Ohio.
Before he leaves, I have asked Mike to spearhead two final projects: improving our public disclosure process and implementing a Youth Technology Advisory Committee, both very important to me as we continue our efforts to enhance public trust.
Although Mike will be leaving the SPD by the end of the year, he has been and will always remain a close confidante.
With Mike’s transition and Brian’s promotion, the SPD will continue to be at the leading edge of change and reform in the United States.