Update 7/24: The SPD Harbor Unit has recovered the body of the 36-year-old man who went missing early Sunday on Lake Union.
Witnesses began calling 911 at 6:53 a.m. Sunday to report a noise disturbance coming from a boat in the waters of Lake Union. Harbor patrol officers responded and found several people aboard a 25-foot boat who were yelling for assistance. The people said that one of the passengers jumped into the water and never surfaced.
Witnesses on the shore said the boat was entering the test course with a few people sitting on the bow. They said the boat appeared to speed up, tossing one of the people from the boat.
Harbor officers marked three possible locations for where the man was last seen. Divers searched the area for hours and used sonar but were unable to locate the man. Divers will return to the area over the next few days to continue their search.