The Seattle Police Department’s year-end crime statistics are now available online, highlighting a continued overall downward trend in crime in Seattle.
The department saw some successes this year in efforts to combat car prowls (down 5%), auto theft (11%) and residential burglaries (11%). Patrol officers, precinct Anti-Crime Teams and the Major Crimes Taskforce and other detective units worked to identify and arrest prolific offenders.
The department also provided training to owners of properties frequently targeted in thefts, prowls and break-ins, providing assessments on where to add signage, fencing and make other environmental changes to deter crimes.
SPD has also been tracking an increase in aggravated assaults and domestic violence. SPD crime analysts were unable to find any clear patterns behind those upticks, but believe some of the increases in assaults may be tied to incidents involving individuals in crisis and nightlife, as well as shoplifts at downtown businesses escalating into assaults. The department is seeking partnerships to further research increases in domestic violence.
Gun violence continues to be a significant area of focus for the department, and SPD is working closely with regional partners to develop and implement a number of efforts to address gun crime. Intervention models, regional partnerships focused on gun crime interdiction, continued efforts with our law enforcement partners to trace and link firearms used in crimes, and a visible presence in nightlife and transit hubs.
For a closer look at the data, please visit SPD’s online Crime Dashboard for more info.