The Department held it’s biweekly SeaStat meeting Wednesday and the most recent crime statistics for Seattle Police are now available here.
Launched in August 2014, SeaStat is aimed at quickly addressing crime hotspots based on analysis of crime data and community reports of incidents.
The Department holds meetings every two weeks, involving staff throughout the department and partner agencies, to discuss the latest information and come up with strategies to reduce crime. The regularity of the meetings allows the department to develop immediate solutions and quickly assess if strategies are working or if a course correction is needed. Emphasis is on using real-time data, getting direct feedback from community members, and increasing communication and collaboration throughout the department. Variations of SeaStat, often called Compstat, are used by police departments around the country including New York and Los Angeles, to combat serious crime.
The Department posts the most recent statistics following each SeaStat meeting. That data can be found on the Department’s web page under the Information & Data tab.