Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan and Chief of Police Adrian Diaz responded to rising hate crimes towards Asian Americans and the mass shooting in Atlanta that killed multiple Asian American women with the following statement:
“The violence in Atlanta was an act of hate. We grieve with Atlanta and for the victims and their families.
“We also stand together with our Asian American community against the rise of hate crimes towards Asian Americans, which especially target Chinese Americans. In Seattle and across our nation, our Asian American neighbors, places of worship, and businesses have been deliberately targeted by racism, xenophobia, and acts of violence related to misconceptions of COVID-19. Just this weekend after repeated incidents in our community, Seattle came together to stand against this hatred towards Asian Americans. Governor Locke so clearly said ‘hate is a virus.’ And through our acts, we must each be the cure.
“Individuals who commit these crimes must be arrested and held accountable. We are also taking additional steps to protect our Asian American neighbors – that includes increasing outreach to the Asian American community and community-based organizations across Seattle, as well as additional presence by police patrols and our Community Service Officers to ensure we are doing all we can for them during this painful time.”
SPD encourages anyone who feels unsafe or witnesses suspicious activity to call 911. Language access and assistance are available. A number of local organizations have produced resources for community members to counter misinformation, racism, and discrimination. Chinese Information Service Center (CISC) has produced a number of translated handouts and videos to help individuals report bias incidents.