#2021-286848/West Precinct/Third Watch:
On 10-29-2021 at 0253 hours, a witness observed a vehicle being driven in the 800 block of South King ST with firearms being discharged from the windows. It appeared the rounds were fired at no particular person or object. No persons were injured. No known property damage. The occupants left the area and were not located.
#2021-287368/South Precinct/Second Watch:
On 10-29-2021 at 1518 hours, the victim was riding a bicycle in the area of 48 AV S/S Kenyon when the suspect exited the suspect vehicle, pointed a handgun at the victim, and demanded his wallet. The suspect then fled in a possible silver Malibu driven by another unknown subject. An area check for the suspects yielded negative results.
#2021-287439/North Precinct/Second Watch:
On 10-29-2021 at 1816 hours, officers responded to threats to assault in Ballard. Suspect yelled at staff while at drive through window. Suspect yelled racial slurs. The employee walked out to the parking lot and the suspect swerved his vehicle as if to hit the employee. The suspect then shouted another racial slur and verbally threatened assault before leaving.
#2021-287582/East Precinct/Second Watch:
On 10-29-2021 at 1847 hours, officers responded to a report of a shooting at 12th Av and E Jefferson St. Upon arrival, evidence of a shooting was located in the parking lot and officers reviewed other available evidence which indicated that a male exited a blue BMW and entered the convenience store, while inside the store another subject exited a white dodge charger and entered into the driver’s seat of the previously occupied BMW. The male inside the store exited and attempted to recover his vehicle by firing several shots at close range into the driver’s side of the vehicle and the rear of the vehicle. Both parties were gone on officers’ arrival. A short period later officers located and recovered the involved BMW and ascertained an identity for the registered owner and suspected shooter, who is also a convicted felon. Gun Violence Reduction Unit will conduct the follow up.
#2021-287700/West Precinct/Third Watch:
On 10-29-2021 at 2047 hours, officers located a victim who had been stabbed multiple times near 2 Av/Pike St. The victim stated that he was in an alley to the North of the 200 block of Stewart St attempting to sell alcohol. An argument ensued over the price of the alcohol and the suspect then stabbed the victim multiple times and stole the alcohol. The injuries appear to be non-life-threatening. Robbery advised.