#2021-331075/West Precinct/Third Watch:
On 12-16-2021 at 0016 hours, officers were dispatched to a report of a male shot near 10 Av S/S King St. Upon arrival officers located a male victim with an obvious gunshot wound to the leg. The subject was treated by Seattle Fire and transported via SFD medics to Harborview Medical Center (HMC) for further treatment. HMC advised that the injuries did not appear life threatening. The victim was uncooperative and provided only a minimal suspect description and no details about what led up to the shooting. Gun Violence Reduction Unit was advised.
#2021-331098/East Precinct/Third Watch:
On 12-16-2021 at 0121 hours, officers responded to the 100 block of 24 Av E where a male victim reported that his roommate in a rooming house (separate locks on doors and shared common area) made racially biased statements which upset the victim, who confronted the suspect. The suspect then made more racially biased statements directed at the victim. The suspect then physically assaulted the victim including possibly breaking the victim’s wrist and choking him to the point he almost lost consciousness. A witness roommate observed the end of the assault. The suspect returned to his room and then fled prior to police arrival. The suspect has not been located. Seattle Fire responded twice to treat the victim and urged him to seek further medical attention, but the victim refused. LT screened this incident.
#2021-331474/South Precinct/Second Watch:
On 12-16-2021 at 1236 hours, in the 9100 block of Rainier AV S, officers assisted a detective in stopping two subjects who were in a vehicle which had been car-jacked previously and was likely involved in other serious crimes. The officers set up tactically and were able to take the two suspects into custody without incident. One of the two juveniles was booked into YSC for PSP (vehicle) and the other was I & R’d to his family. More investigation is pending considering the involved suspects, including a warrant service on the vehicle.
#2021-331689/East Precinct/Second Watch:
On 12-16-2021 at 1800 hours, a local school reported that one of the students had brought a gun to school and threatened to shoot up the school on 12/17/2021. A thorough investigation was conducted by officers who requested to speak to the family and the student making the threats. Upon speaking to all involved, it was determined the information passed to us was incorrect. The incident appears to be associated with a viral Tik-Tok video announcing school shootings throughout the US.
#2021-331739/East Precinct/Second Watch:
On 12-16-2021 at 1812 hours, a male victim witnessed an attempted auto theft in the 100 block of 11 Av. The victim scared the suspect off who fled to a waiting car occupied by a female in the passenger seat. The victim attempted to stop the vehicle, by reaching through the driver side window to turn the car off and take the keys. The suspect and the female passenger both began assaulting the victim as he attempted to remove the keys. The suspect then pulled out a pistol and racked a round and pointed it towards the victim telling him “get back.” As the victim was getting back, the suspect pistol whipped the victim who fell to the ground. The vehicle then conducted a U-turn and fled the area, striking several vehicles. The victim’s daughter attempted to follow the suspect vehicle northbound on 12 Av and was stopped by patrol due to her driving. An area check for the suspect vehicle was negative.
#2021-331900/East Precinct/Third Watch:
On 12-16-2021 at 2106 hours, officers contacted a student who had received multiple screenshots of snapchat messages threatening a Seattle public high school and a middle school. It was later determined that the high school threats were already being investigated under 21-330241. The threat against the middle school read “January 2nd i will shoot up” the school. “I f-ing hate you fucking kids that always pick on me and insult me, I’ve had ENOUGH of your guys BULLSHIT.” The original message in the screenshot was sent from a snapchat account. Officers traced the text messages back up the chain to the initial recipient of the snapchat message who had no idea who had sent the message. School security was advised of the threats and reported that they were tracking multiple other incidents. This incident is likely related to a nationwide TicToc trend of threats against schools.
#2021-331616/North Precinct/(No Time Detailed):
On 12/16/2021 at (no time detailed), members of the High-Risk Victims Section (HRVS) including the Human Trafficking (formerly Vice) and ICAC squads with uniform arrest team support of officers from West Precinct conducted a proactive Sex Trafficking Operation in the Aurora corridor. FBI Human Trafficking group also assisted on the operation. The operation yielded five (5) adult male arrests for Patronizing a Prostitute and detectives contacted five (5) trafficked individuals to offer them a variety of social services. One of the women was identified as a juvenile and detectives worked with her mother to return her home. The juvenile also assaulted the investigating FBI agent during the interview; however, the agent was not injured. HRVS detectives will file misdemeanor charges for the males to Seattle City Attorney’s Office.