#2022-114232/North Precinct/Third Watch:
On 05-07-2022 at 0011 hours, a female victim reported an unprovoked attack that occurred when she entered an elevator at her apartment complex. The victim was punched, kicked, and strangled by two suspects, who then fled the scene with her mobile phone and other personal property. Officers were unable to locate them in the vicinity. When Seattle Fire arrived on scene, its crew unwittingly recovered the victim’s property from the fleeing suspects.
#2022-114251/North Precinct/Third Watch:
On 05-07-2022 at 0032 hours, officers were dispatched to a possible shooting at Gas Works park. Witnesses stated that some type of fight disturbance began when two suspects walked up to a large group at a fire pit. Cell phones were broken as well as beer bottles. The two suspects pointed pistols and possibly fired shots in the air. One person was possibly “pistol whipped”. A search of the park was made, and no victims or suspects were located. About two hours later a victim arrived at UW hospital. He and another witness stated that the suspects demanded wallets and cellphones and when the victim started to protest, he was pistol whipped and a large disturbance happened with the victim going home before police arrived.
#2022-114390/East Precinct/First Watch:
On 05-07-2022 at 0456 hours, dispatch received a call of a male subject who arrived at the HMC ER at 0333hrs. with a gunshot wound (GSW) to the stomach area. The subject was dropped off by a vehicle occupied by two other individuals. They were not contacted or identified and left the scene immediately once the victim was passed off to hospital staff. The victim was taken in for emergency medical surgery and was not able to provide a statement. GVRU was contacted and advised.
#2022-114910/East Precinct/Second Watch:
On 05-07-2022 at 1730 hours, an 18-year-old male victim was walking with his mother and two younger brothers and sisters in the 400 block of Broadway. An unknown person began yelling at the victim from his apartment window across the street to be quiet. The two began to argue followed by the suspect in the window coming outside to confront the victim with bear spray in his hand. The victim ran from the suspect in response to seeing the bear spray, but the adult male suspect chased after him and began screaming racial bias slurs at the victim. An adult male witness tried to intervene and stop the suspect’s attack, but the suspect sprayed him in the face with the bear spray. This allowed the victim to get away from the suspect and the victim’s mother called 911 to report the incident. The victim relayed the events to officers. Officers also spoke to the second victim who had been bear sprayed. The victim’s mother pointed out the window of the suspect to the reporting officers. Officers along with the reporting Sergeant responded to the apartment to try and locate the suspect. The suspect was found and admitted to the assault and confrontation during the interview. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked into KCJ for INV of Malicious Harassment (1st Victim) and INV of Assault for the second victim. Bias crimes unit notified of this incident/arrest.
#2022-114990/Southwest Precinct/Third Watch:
On 05-07-2022 at 1927 hours, officers responded to a report of a suspicious robbery call at 64 AVE SW/SW Admiral WY. According to the victim, he had arranged via Snapchat to sell an amount of marijuana to two 14-year-old boys. These boys then allegedly “ripped” him for the marijuana, took his passport card, ID, and Bose headphones at gunpoint and demanded he strip. The suspect(s) then “whipped” the victim with his own belt and fired soft pellet projectiles at his face. Officers canvassed the area for evidence which provided questions about the credibility of the account. An area check for the suspects was negative.