#2022-232270/North Precinct/Third Watch:
On 09-01-2022 at 0109 hours, multiple callers called in a fire and that their neighbor appeared to have set the fire. Officers arrived and located the subject. Over the course of the investigation, it was determined the subject was in crisis. The subject believed 4 men were attempting to enter his home so, in self-defense and to deter a burglary, he set his home on fire. The subject was ITAd. Fire Marshal was on scene. ABS was notified. A crisis and reckless burning report were written.
#2022-232331/Southwest Precinct/First Watch:
On 09-01-2022 at 0402 hours, a complainant heard three smashes and, within five minutes, said he saw a fire at Tasty’s Restaurant located at the 8600 BLK of 14 Ave S. SPD and Seattle Fire responded. Fire Marshal responded and investigated. The restaurant was damaged inside, and it is unknown at this time whether the cause was arson. ABS was notified.
#2022-233046/South Precinct/Third Watch:
On 09-01-2022 at 2003 hours, officers were dispatched to a fight call near MLK Way S and S Othello St. According to the call, 2 MALES PUNCHING EACH OTHER, NO INJ, 1 MALE HAS A >>KNIFE<< IN A BAG. When officers arrived, the suspect fled on foot and officers contacted two victims. Probable Cause was established for robbery. The suspect was located a short distance away, still armed with a knife. The suspect ignored commands to stop and to drop the knife. A 40mm was deployed and the suspect was taken into custody without further incident. The suspect was treated by Seattle Fire and booked into KCJ. A type 2 Use of Force report was completed.
#2022-233081/South Precinct/Third Watch:
On 09-01-2022 at 2041 hours, officers were dispatched to a fight call that turned in to a robbery. After the suspect was arrested, one of the victims spit in the face of two officers. The suspect was taken into custody without further incident. The suspect was booked into KCJ after being treated at HMC.