2024-118952/West Precinct/Third Watch:
At 0223 hours, approximately twelve teenage males walked inside the 7-11 Store located at the 4800 BLK of Erskine Wy SW. The teens pushed the clerk up against the wall and forced her to take money out of the register. The employee grabbed close to $100 out of the register and gave it to the suspects. The suspects left the location in two vehicles.
2024-118365/West Precinct/Third Watch:
At 1929 hours, a victim was in the 400 blk of Rainier Ave S when randomly and unprovoked the suspect stabbed him in the neck from behind. Kirkland PD officers just happened to be in the area and witnessed the suspect with knife in hand. Kirkland detained the suspect without incident. Victim and suspect are strangers to each other. Victim was transported to HMC with non life-threatening injuries. Suspect was booked into KCJ.
2024-119272/North Precinct/Second Watch:
At 1559 hours, Officers were dispatched to a report of a bank robbery in the Roosevelt neighborhood. The suspect passed a note and brandished a firearm at the teller before leaving on foot with the stolen currency. Guardian 1 was not available; however, a KCSO K9 responded and conducted a track. Evidence was located; the suspect was not. Robbery Detectives were notified.
2024-119421/West Precinct/Second Watch:
On 1838 hours, Officers were dispatched to an assault call. After being asked to leave the business by security, the suspect attacked the security guards, striking them and choking two of them in the process. Officers arrived as security was escorting the suspect outside. The subject continued to fight with security and as Officers attempted to get him into handcuffs, he pulled away, assaulting on security officers and hit the officer in the eye with his head. The suspect was arrest for Assault 2 and Assault 3 (Police Officer). While waiting for AMR to transport him, another citizen reported that the suspect assaulted him previously. Assault 4 charges were requested. Chain of Command notified.