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Tuesday– January 21, 2025

2025-19054/North Precinct/First Watch:

At 0912 hours, 911 received reports on a robbery in the 7800 block of Lake City Way Northeast. Witnesses said a vehicle pulled up to a drive-thru espresso stand, brandished a handgun and demanded money be put into a supplied backpack. The victim complied and the suspect quickly drove away in the direction of I-5 south. Patrol conducted the initial investigation. Robbery was notified via phone call.

2025-13599/South Precinct/Second Watch:

At 1719 hours, officers responded to the area of Rainier Avenue South and South Henderson Street to a report of shots being fired. Arriving officers learned that there was a physical disturbance in front of the building involving several juveniles followed by shots being fired. Officers located evidence and a window that had been struck. All involved subjects fled on foot prior officers arriving.  The incident was screened with GVRU, and the media unit was notified.