The following commendation was sent to the West Precinct, thanking officers who responded to assist a business owner. “I had to make a call today due to the fact a homeless lady had decided to make home in our storage space below the restaurant. Due to a miscommuntication error I had to call two times. Three officers eventually arrived and I regretable forgot to get any of their names. What I do want to say is they deserve many thanks from me. Despite the fact the lady had vacated the area before they arrived they were extremely helpful and courteous. I feel safe knowing they are keeping watch over our somewhat colorful neighborhood. While I will regrettably say this will most likely not be the last call I will have to make regarding this matter, I hope there will be fewer to come due to their efforts. I hope you will pass this message along to whomever it may concern as they truely exceeded my expectation in their duties. Thank you for your time.”
Thanks to West Precinct Officers
by September 30, 2008 5:52 am