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Vehicle vs Pedestrian collision

On 11-11-09 at 12:00a.m., a red, 1995, Honda, Civic, driven by a 20-year- old male was traveling eastbound on NE 50th St approaching 15th Ave NE.  At the same time approximately four pedestrians ran across NE 50th St from north to south in the marked crosswalk on the east side of 15th Ave NE. 

The 20-year-old driver saw the group of pedestrians run across the street as the traffic signal changed to green for eastbound traffic on NE 50th St.  The 20-year-old driver continued through the intersection, when suddenly a 22-year-old female running in the same crosswalk ran into the path of his car. 

The Honda struck the 22-year-old pedestrian.  The Seattle Fire Department responded to the scene and transported the 22-year-old female pedestrian to Harborview Medical Center with serious head injuries and possible other injuries.  

A Drug recognition expert /DUI officer responded to the scene and completed an evaluation of the 20-year-old driver of the Honda, for signs of impairment and/or intoxication.  There were no signs of impairment or intoxication found.  The driver was Investigated & Released at the scene.  

Traffic Collsion Investigators responded to investigate the collision and processed the scene.  

The victim’s condition is unknown at this time.