On November 27th, 2010, a 76-year-old female victim was shopping at a store located in the 1400 block of South Lane Street. The victim lives in a nearby assisted living facility. She used her mobility chair scooter to travel to the store and shop. While shopping, she stepped out of her scooter and during this time a male suspect stole the scooter. The suspect remained at large and the scooter was not recovered.
The loss of the scooter caused the victim to be confined to her assisted living facility due to her being unable to walk for long distances. Before the theft the victim would travel the local area freely and frequently. Needless to say, the loss was devastating to her.
During the course of the investigation, the suspect was identified but detectives were unable to contact or locate him.
On December 14th, 2010, the case was filed. An SPD wanted bulletin was issued and disseminated throughout the Department. At approximately 9:28 p.m. that evening, Southwest Precinct Anti-Crime Team (ACT) officers arrested the suspect at a residence and recovered the mobility scooter from the residence.
The scooter was returned to the victim on the morning of December 15th, 2010. Both the victim and the staff at the assisted living facility were overjoyed at the recovery.
The Seattle Police Department and it’s officers are happy to have positively impacted the life of this property crime victim, especially so close to the holidays.