On Saturday, April 16, 2011, the Community Outreach Section, Office of Professional Accountability and Training Section of the Seattle Police Department gave a 4 hour presentation to community members on “Perspectives on Profiling”. “Perspectives on Profiling” was training that all employees of the Seattle Police Department were required to attend as a part of the Department’s commitment to the City of Seattle’s Race and
Social Justice Initiative. More than 65 community members attended this important event, which gave them a snapshot into some of the training SPD employees receive each year. The presentation was enthusiastically received by those who attended and created some very first-rate dialogue regarding “perspectives” as seen from all members of our community.
As a part of Chief Diaz’ commitment to Fighting Crime, Reducing the Fear of Crime and Building Communities, SPD will open up more opportunities in the future for community members to get an inside look into the training the men and women of the Seattle Police Department receive.
Big thanks go to the Filipino Community Center, who donated their facility at 5740 Martin Luther King Way South and to the Seattle Police Foundation, who provided grant funding to the Community Outreach Section to provide meal service during the presentation.