The Seattle Police Department would like to share some more information about the Monday, December 12th Occupy Seattle demonstration. This purpose of this demonstration was to disrupt traffic to and from Port of Seattle facilities. The demonstration was not permitted and not lawful.
This event was heavily influenced by several bad actors intent on breaking the law and assaulting officers. Many came prepared with flares, paint and other construction debris including bricks and rebar that they obtained by burglarizing an adjacent construction site. This is in stark contrast to other Occupy Seattle demonstrations that were permitted and peaceful.
At approximately 2:40 p.m., the first protesters began arriving at Terminal 18, at the Port of Seattle. Later, a second group arrived and blocked vehicular traffic on S. Spokane St in both directions by standing in the roadway. The protesters then took multiple sections of fencing and dragged it across the roadway leading to the terminal gate. The demonstrators subsequently blocked vehicular traffic leading to the terminal gate and all truck traffic was immobilized by the protesters in the roadway. Numerous dispersal orders were given to the marchers. Many responded by pulling more fencing into the roadway. Many marchers then began throwing flares (which burns at 1400 degrees Fahrenheit), bags of bricks and paint, rebar and other debris at the police officers and police horses monitoring the demonstration. At least five officers were injured after being struck with a bag of paint, flares, rebar and other debris thrown by suspects. Eleven adults were arrested for various violations including Failure to Disperse, Obstructing and Assaulting an Officer. Those subjects were booked into the King County Jail.