West Precinct bicycle officers on patrol last night in Belltown arrested a 41-year old man on his outstanding Department of Corrections warrant for failing to register as a sex offender. After the man was arrested, officers recovered crack cocaine from the man.
Last night, just before 10:00pm, two bicycle officers on routine patrol in Belltown observed what appeared to be a possible drug transaction between several people at 2nd Avenue and Bell Street. The officers approached and identified the men. During a routine check of one of the men’s names, it was determined that the suspect had an outstanding Department of Corrections warrant for failing to register as a sex offender. The warrant was verified and the man was taken into custody without incident.
At the West Precinct officers recovered 2.5 grams of suspected crack cocaine from the suspect. While the man was being moved from the holding cell into the prisoner transport van, another 1.4 grams of suspected crack cocaine fell out of the suspect’s pant leg. Officers also recovered another .1 gram of suspected cocaine from the floor of the holding cell the suspect was in. The suspected crack cocaine tested positive. The suspect was later booked into the King County Jail for his warrant and Investigation of VUCSA (Violation of the Uniformed Controlled Substance Act).