A truck driver left the scene of a collision involving serious property damage downtown this morning. At approximately 8:45 a.m. the driver of a 2002 Peterbilt semi-truck was traveling west bound on Stewart Street attempting to make a northbound turn onto Yale Avenue North. The semi-truck’s trailer did not fully clear the turn and struck a telephone pole near the corner. A section of the telephone pole was sheared off which caused three transformers mounted on the top of the pole to crash into the ground. Live power lines were also spread across both Yale Avenue North and Stewart Street.
The semi-truck driver failed to stop after striking the pole and continued on a short distance. According to witnesses the truck driver stopped and looked at his truck and the damage several times. The truck driver then continued on until officers located and stopped him at Dexter Avenue and Mercer Street.
The semi-truck’s trailer sustained significant damage to its roof. Seattle City Light crews responded to the scene to address the damaged pole, equipment and power lines.
Washington State Patrol Commercial Vehicle Enforcement officers responded to the scene to assist with the investigation.
The truck driver was cited for Hit & Run, Property Damage, a misdemeanor offense. He was interviewed and subsequently released from the scene.
This remains an active and on-going investigation.