Two auto thieves arrested this morning in South Seattle. On 11/13/13, just shortly after 5:00 a.m., the complainant called 911 to report two suspicious males that were in the rear parking lot of his apartment complex in the 7900 block of Rainier Av S. One of the males was seated in the passenger seat of a Honda sedan that had the engine running.
The other male was outside using pliers to remove a license plate off of another Honda. Officers were in the area on Predictive Policing patrol and quickly responded to the call. Both suspects were located and detained. The investigation revealed that the Honda that the suspects arrived in was an unreported, freshly stolen car from Seattle (shaved keys).
The suspects were attempting to take another license plate and affix it to the stolen Honda.
Approximately 50 pieces of suspected stolen mail was recovered from the vehicle and placed into evidence. One of the suspects had $20,000 in outstanding warrants (possession of stolen vehicle).
Both suspects were booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Auto Theft. Additionally, the second suspect was booked for his outstanding warrants. The stolen mail is being investigated.