A 28-year-old female was arrested on Tuesday in connection with a North Seattle Fraternity House burglary. On 11/18/13, at approximately 6:30 a.m., a male house member saw an unknown man inside a fraternity house in the 4600 block of 22 Av NE. The victim saw the unknown suspect walking down the stairs from the second floor. The suspect quickly left the house when confronted by the victim. He was last seen riding away on a bicycle.
When the victim went outside to look for the suspect, he heard a rustling noise in the bushes and discovered an unknown female next to his house. She was carrying a case of red bull which she dropped before she also fled on a bicycle.
Science and old fashioned police work lead detectives to a suspect.
On 12/2/13, just shortly after midnight, two North Precinct officers located and arrested a female for a warrant and (Violation of the Uniform Control Substance Act) VUCSA. She was processed and booked into King County Jail.
On 12/3/13, the female was interviewed by Detectives at the King County Jail. She confessed to the aforementioned burglary. Detectives requested additional charges for Investigation of Burglary.
The other Sorority/fraternity house burglaries remain under investigation.