Seattle police arrested a 24-year-old man outside of a Pioneer Square club early Saturday after he staged an impromptu protest against personal space, public urination laws, and pants.
The man began his streak of startlingly bad decisions around 12:30 AM when he repeatedly groped a group of women inside a nightclub in the 100 block of S. Washington St. One of the women reported the incident to a club doorman, who ejected the 24-year-old man from the venue.
After being escorted from the business, the very intoxicated 24-year-old man got right back in line and tried to reenter the club.
When the doorman informed the suspect he was banned from club, the suspect got out of the line and began unzipping his pants as he stood next to the doorman.
The doorman assumed the suspect had plans to urinate on the ground in front of the club, and ordered the man to pull up his pants and move along.
The suspect obliged and stumbled his way to the corner of Occidental Ave and S. Washington St., where he pulled his pants down in full view of other club patrons and passing vehicles and began urinating on a car parked on the street.
The doorman then shouted at the suspect, drawing the attention of a patrol officer.
The officer approached the urinating suspect, aimed a flashlight beam at him and ordered the man to “put it away.”
“No, you put that away,” the suspect retorted, as he spun around to flash the throngs of clubgoers and cars passing by.
Police arrested the 24-year-old man—who offered up an apology for his behavior before he began swearing at officers—and booked him into the King County Jail for indecent exposure.