Shooting suspect being sought. On 3/28/14, just shortly after 11:00 p.m., the 23-year-old victim and her boyfriend were on their way home from a restaurant and stopped at the AM/PM for gas in the 400 block of 12th AVE.
The female victim pulled alongside a gas pump and got out while her boyfriend stayed in the passenger seat of the car. As she was walking to the rear of the vehicle, she was shot one time in the buttocks area.
It is believed based on the information gathered that she was not the intended target of the gunshot, but was inadvertently hit. According to witnesses a possible shooter ran westbound from the scene. Containment was set up and a K9 track was conducted but the suspect was not located.
The victim was transported to HMC with non-life threatening injuries. The suspect is still outstanding. The Gang Unit processed the scene and will conduct the follow up investigation.