Update 10/8: Detectives have identified and interviewed the man in the photos, and he is cooperating in the investigation. Police are still reviewing the case and continue to search for the members of the bachelorette party.
Robbery detectives are hoping photos of a man and woman spotted using a stolen debit card in a Capitol Hill gas station can help catch a bachelorette party suspected in a brutal Belltown attack.
The victim was walking near 1st Avenue and Battery Street just after midnight on August 30th when a group of four to six Hispanic women grabbed the victim, punched her in the face, and ripped out a clump of her hair—which officers later found lying on the sidewalk. The suspects also stole the victim’s wallet and cellphone before they fled.
The suspects were all in their 20s and dressed in black, with the exception of one woman, who wore a flower print dress. One of the suspects was also reportedly wearing a “bachelorette sash.”
At the scene, a witness told officers the brawl began shortly after the victim brandished a hot dog at one of the members of the bridal party.
While police haven’t yet identified the members of the bachelorette party, detectives have tracked down surveillance photos of a man and a woman who later used the victim’s stolen bank card at a Capitol Hill gas station. The pair may have also tried to sell the victim’s cellphone online.
Detectives are hoping someone can ID the man in the photos, potentially leading detectives to the suspects in the Belltown attack.
If you recognize him, please contact the SPD Robbery Unit at (206) 684-5535.