A Seattle police detective is working to track down a vandal who sprayed ten-foot high letters across a mural on a school building in the Licton Springs neighborhood.
A local artist contacted police Monday afternoon and reported that someone had defaced a mural he had painted on the Wilson-Pacific school building, near N. 90th Street and Stone Avenue N.
Police arrived at the school, and found someone had tagged the mural—featuring 25-foot high portraits of Chief Joseph and Chief Seattle—with the words “DAP” and “KILO.”
Police don’t yet know why the suspect targeted this specific mural. The Wilson-Pacific building is slated for construction, but the school district had made plans to preserve the artwork on the side of the building.
SPD Graffiti Detective Chris Young is investigating the case, and is working to identify the suspect, believed to be a tagger going by the name “KILO.”
If you have any information about “KILO,” please contact detective Young at youngc@seattle.gov or (206) 684-5534