Police arrested two people in separate incidents after two foot pursuits Downtown Thursday night.
Officers Reyes, Goodwin and Department of Corrections Specialist Winfrey were driving by 3rd Ave. and Pine St. at 9 PM when they spotted a 15-year-old boy they knew had a felony warrant for assault. The suspect ran when he saw the officers approaching. The officers gave chase and were able to catch the suspect a block away. A group of the teen’s friends surrounded the officers making the arrest and attempted to intervene. The officers were able to request more units who quickly converged on the aggressive crowd at 2nd Ave. and Pine St. allowing the officers to safely take the arrested teen to the precinct.
Officers Fine and Meyers arrived the scene at 2nd Ave. and Pine St. when they saw an 18-year-old woman standing on the sidewalk yelling and threatening pedestrians. While the officers attempted to resolve the issue a 36-year-old woman approached and told them the woman yelling had assaulted her just minutes earlier. The 18-year-old immediately ran away with an officer in pursuit. Another officer that was in the area searching for the fleeing female spotted her at 5 Ave. and Pine St. When officers approached the suspect she again attempted to get away but was apprehended.
The victim of the assault suffered a bruised and bloodied face during the attack. The 18-year-old female suspect was booked into King County Jail for assault and resisting arrest while the 15-year-old was booked into the Youth Services Center for his felony warrant.