Police nabbed a pair of suspected burglars after a brief foot chase Sunday in South Seattle.
Around 1:15 PM, the resident of a home in the 10200 block of 59th Avenue S. spotted two of his backpacks slung over the shoulders of a pair of men, who were walking away from his house.
“Stop, that’s my stuff!” the victim shouted as he followed the men down the block.
The suspects dropped the victim’s bags–which were packed with the victim’s Xbox, Playstation, laptop, and his mom’s iPad–and dashed off through the yards of several nearby homes.
Police received several 911 calls from the victim and several startled neighbors, and began searching for the suspects.
Officers caught up to the suspects as they ran through an elementary school play field and took them into custody. The suspects–two men, 18 and 20 years old–told police they had bought the backpacks from someone on the street, and claimed they had only run from officers because they had warrants.
Police returned the victim’s backpacks and booked both suspects into the King County Jail for Investigation of Burglary.