Two girls were seriously injured today after they were struck by a car near Rainier Beach. The collision happened just after 1 p.m.
The two girls were crossing the road on Rainier Avenue and South Henderson Street from east to west in the north crosswalk while facing a ‘don’t walk’ signal. A Metro bus was stopped just north of the intersection in the southbound turn lane, obscuring field of view for both pedestrians and motorists. A motorist driving a Hyundai sedan was travelling south on Rainier and struck the two girls while they were crossing against the signal. The driver of the Hyundai stopped and was interviewed by police.
Seattle Fire Department medics provided emergency care and transported the girls to Harborview Medical Center for further treatment.
The ten year old girl’s condition is life threatening. The nine year old girl’s condition is serious but not life threatening.
SPD’s Traffic Collision detectives responded to the scene to process the collision site and investigate the incident.
This information is preliminary and subject to change as the investigation proceeds.
The investigation continues.