I would like to announce the retirement of Deputy Chief of Police Chris Fowler and thank him for his outstanding contributions and 26 years of service to this City, and for helping to make the Seattle Police Department a national model for reform and constitutional policing.
“Throughout my 26 years with the SPD, I have had the honor and privilege of working with incredibly dedicated professionals. The City of Seattle is fortunate to have a police department that is deeply committed to serving an amazing city and community. I want to thank those outstanding leaders that I have worked with throughout the years, especially Chief Best. She offered me a unique opportunity to continue my service to the department and the community as Deputy Chief,” said Deputy Chief Fowler.
I will not only miss his steady leadership but his calm demeanor and sense of humor, even under the most intense moments. Over the years I’ve seen Deputy Chief Fowler rise through the ranks to oversee Patrol Operations, Criminal Investigations, Special Operations and Homeland Security Bureaus.
He has made an indelible impression on our Department no matter where he served whether it was as Captain in Special Operations, Captain of the West Precinct, patrol officer, bicycle officer, Anti-Crime Team officer, Narcotics detective, Patrol Sergeant, SWAT Sergeant, Patrol Lieutenant and Detective Lieutenant in the Sexual Assault unit. Deputy Chief Fowler has served as Incident Commander for many of the city’s largest public events, including May Day, ensuring the exercise of civil liberties and the protection of life and property.
Deputy Chief Fowler was an essential element of the team working with the Department of Justice on the consent decree, and a key team member in the collaboration with community stakeholders, prosecutors, public defenders, and other law enforcement to develop the now national Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program, which works to divert low-level offenders addicted to drugs to treatment.
Deputy Chief Fowler is not only a dedicated public servant at the local level, but also proudly served our country. He recently retired as a Brigadier General with the Washington Army National Guard, where he was responsible for the command of over 6,000 Army Guard soldiers.
Join me in congratulating Deputy Chief Chris Fowler on his future endeavors we wish him all the best.
“We are incredibly excited to have Chris Fowler on the academy leadership team where his knowledge and skills will benefit police training statewide,” said Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center Executive Director Sue Rahr.
While Deputy Chief Fowler will officially retire from SPD on September 30, 2018, he won’t be idle for long. I’m grateful that he’ll be shaping the next generation of law enforcement leaders in his new role as the Deputy Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission.
Thank you, Deputy Chief Fowler, for your service to SPD, Seattle and our country.