City of Seattle
Seattle Police Department
610 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98124-4986
Pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 10.79 and acting under the authority of Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 3.02, the City of Seattle proposes to adopt rules relating to the storage of firearms.
(1) A safe, gun safe, gun case, gun cabinet, or lock box that is
(a) designed to fully contain firearms and prevent removal of, and access to, the enclosed
(b) Is capable of repeated use;
(c) May be opened only by a numerical combination consisting of the entry of at least three
variables entered in a specific sequence on a keypad, dial or tumbler device; key,
magnetic key, or electronic key; or by biometric identification; and
(d) Be constructed with such quality of workmanship and material that it may not be easily
pried open, removed, or otherwise defeated by the use of common tools.
PUBLIC COMMENT. All interested persons are invited to present data, views, or arguments regarding the proposed rules in writing. Written comments must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on October 15, 2018. Written comments may be emailed, mailed, or delivered to:
Seattle Police Department
Office of the Chief of Police
Attn: Legal Unit
610 Fifth Avenue
PO Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124-4986
Comment may also be left by voicemail at 206-386-1320.