On November 8th an adult male was arrested by West Precinct patrol officers after he attempted to kick in the door of a neighboring apartment. The suspect has been stalking the neighbor and has caused alarm to residents of the apartment building with his behavior. He was later booked into the King County Jail. At his court appearance he was served with a No Contact Order – Stalking and an Order to Surrender Firearms. The suspect denied owning any firearms.
On November 10th the building manager legally entered the man’s apartment to inspect damage while the suspect was still in jail. The manager called police to report seeing numerous weapons in the apartment. Officers obtained a search warrant from a judge. The warrant was served and officers seized the following – 3 rifles, 1 shotgun, 2 handguns, over 50 high capacity magazines, over 1000 rounds, flack jacket, rifle plates and carrier, Kevlar helmet, 2 gas masks, tear gas canister, Samurai sword, surveillance equipment, and lock picks.
The suspect remains in jail and detectives continue to investigate this case.
Read more about Extreme Risk Protection Orders here.